Pod Star Reusable Stainless Steel Coffee Capsule (2pk) – Nespresso
Refillable coffee pods for Nespresso® machines (see below for more compatibility details). To make it super easy, we now also have a Pod Star manual stainless steel coffee grinder and the ready to use Organic and fair trade Podsta capsule ground coffee.
you are making a difference:
- Australian owned – supporting small local businesses.
- In Australia alone, over 3 million coffee pods are going to landfill every single day – buy reusable instead of disposable.
- Freedom to choose your preferred Fair Trade, Organic coffee!
- If you like your coffee on the stronger side you can make a double shot with two capsules easily. Or if you regularly make coffee for two people, it is quicker to fill and make with two reusable pods on hand.
- Made from high tech medical grade stainless steel
- Full stainless steel construction with silicone o-ring – no need for sealing stickers
- Use with the below Nespresso® coffee machines
- Dishwasher safe (without silicone o-ring), hand washing recommended
- Coffee waste can be composted or thrown directly into the garden
- Best suited to a ‘Number 2’ (fine to medium) grind – more info below
- Enjoy the coffee you love at home
- A cheaper alternative – the Pod Star can save you thousands of dollars over just a few years of use
- Pair with the Solid Stainless Steel Coffee Tamper and Manual Coffee Grinder
- Previously known as Podsta.
Pod Star – Nespresso capsule is compatible with the following Nespresso® coffee machines: Citiz, Citzi milk, Lattisima, Lattisima, Premium, Lattissima Plus, Pixie, Pixie Clips, Essenza, Maestria, U, Inissia, Creatista, Prodigio. (Pod Star – Nespresso can not be used in the new Nespresso Vertuo machines, nor Aldi, CafItaly or Dolce Gusto machines.)
Please contact our customer service team you are unsure if the Pod star will fit in your machine.
*IMPORTANT: Which coffee to use?
500 grams of coffee will give you around 100 Pod Star shots, so you’ll likely save money as well.
Pod Star reusable stainless steel capsules allow you to pack your capsules with your own favourite blend. Simply ask your local cafe to grind their roasted beans to a number 2 grind or grind your own (depending on your grinder you may have to adjust this slightly, use a burr grinder if possible). If the grind is too coarse the water will flow too fast through the pod, too fine and it will flow to slow.
Packaged coffee from the supermarket that is ground for espresso machines or plunger is not suitable as you really need the perfect “capsule grind”. The closest grind is probably “stovetop” – for use in stovetop brewers. Espresso-grind coffee bought off the shelf is ground too finely.
If you feel you need to change the length of the pour on either the Espresso or Lungo settings, do so following these instructions.
To help you achieve the perfect coffee, we now have:
Pod Star manual stainless steel coffee grinder that makes an ideal grind.
Pod Star Stainless Steel Coffee Scoop for refilling coffee capsules.
Pod Star Solid Stainless Steel Coffee Tamper to pack it perfectly every time.
Organic and fair trade ready to go ground coffee ground especially to work with Pod Star capsules.
Ensure that you tamp the coffee firmly and fill to the top.
dimensions / materials:
2 x capsule and 2 spare silicone o-rings.
Capsule: 3.7cm D x 2.8cm H
end of life:
Stainless steel is 100% recyclable. Contact your local council for silicone recycling programs.
Made in China.
Browse our other coffee products.