Eden Seeds – Provider Bush Bean
Eden Seeds is a seed distribution company located in Queensland’s Gold Coast Hinterland. Eden seeds are traditional open pollinated non-hybrid varieties and have no chemical treatment, and no genetic engineering.
- Also called Snap, or French bean.
- High yielding.
- Rich in vitamins A, B and C.
- Use successive plantings.
- Grows well in all soils if not waterlogged.
- Best in near-neutral pH soil.
- Straight medium green round pods up to 15-18cm.
- Stringless, low fibre bean, early bearing.
- Hardy and disease resistant.
- Approximately 90 seeds.
- Mature after 51-56 days.
- Space rows 50-60cm apart.
- Space plants 8-15cm apart.
- Sowing depth 2-3cm.
- Sow in Spring, Summer or Early Autumn.