BioBag Superline biodegradable plastic bin liners 35 litre (40 bags)
you are making a difference:
- Using a compostable alternative to plastic reduces pollution and landfill.
- Completely biodegrades after 10 – 45 days depending on the method used.
- Biobag is made from corn starch and will successfully breakdown in a compost but also remain shelf stable for 2 years.
- Produced from non-genetically modified corn starch.
- Certified biodegradable and compostable by the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) and DIN CERTCO.
- Perfect for lining your bin for the collection of organic waste to then be composted.
- Can be used as a plastic free alternative for bin liners.
- No handles.
- Roll of 40 bags.
materials / dimensions:
35L capacity. Bag measures 74cm x 60cm
Made of a material called Mater-Bi, which consists of corn starch, biodegradable and compostable polyester and vegetable oil.
Made in Norway.
Please remember, these bags still need to be responsibly disposed of in your rubbish if filled with non-compostable materials.