Little Veggie Patch Heirloom Seeds – Spinach
Prepare the beds by digging through compost and well-rotted manure a week prior to planting. Make sure the soil drains well. Full sun, part shade. Does not tolerate hot conditions. Plant next to your strawberries, as they tend to work well as companions. Sow the seeds directly into the veggie patch at most times of the year, however propagate in a mini greenhouse when it is too hot or too cold and then look to transplant once conditions become more mild.
When to plant (see zone map on sachet to find your zone):
Zone 1: October – December + March – May
Zone 2: September – December + March – May
Zone 3: April – October
Zone 4: May – June
Produced by the Little Veggie Patch Co, a small Melbourne-based business whose passion it is to help others live a greener lifestyle and grow their own food.
Approx. 80 seeds.
No postage to WA
Browse all our organic heirloom seeds.